Use "flood|flooded|flooding|floods" in a sentence

1. Australia floods: evacuations continue across flooded parts of NSW – video

2. Bangkok has seen only brief and minor flooding since the major flood of 1995.

3. Historical records prove that the flood plains contained considerable areas of non-flooded lands. The former alluvial forests were found not only on flooded plains, but also in rarely or never flooded river basins.

4. Nationwide, Zeb destroyed 770 homes and flooded another 12,548, with thousands forced to evacuate their homes due to flooding.

5. The adjustment of rivers impacts on flood plains, biodiversity, the supply of drinking water and flooding surrounding low lands.

6. Flooding disrupted rail services in three areas of Devon and Cornwall where flood warnings were issued on 33 rivers.

7. As noted, if you live in a high-risk area for flooding, your mortgage lender will insist you buy flood insurance.

8. Action plan: Abating the detriment of massive flooding MASSIVE FLOODING With an average of 19 typhoons, heavy monsoon rains and massive floods hitting the country every year, the Philippines is no doubt a disaster prone country and the 89 million Filipinos should …

9. The normal features of flood areas generally include wetlands, alluvial forests, other types of flood plain, debris cones caused by torrential floods in mountainous areas, lagoon marshes and several features (many of these associated with ecologically valuable ecosystems) indicating the limits of floods, which, as already stated, are events associated with the normal functioning of river and coastal systems

10. The normal features of flood areas generally include wetlands, alluvial forests, other types of flood plain, debris cones caused by torrential floods in mountainous areas, lagoon marshes and several features (many of these associated with ecologically valuable ecosystems) indicating the limits of floods, which, as already stated, are events associated with the normal functioning of river and coastal systems.

11. Flooding quickly spread from the North to the Central Chao Phraya River Basin, and by the beginning of October, the province of Ayutthaya, north of Bangkok, was almost flooded.

12. The floods created havoc.

13. The floods, the plages...

14. The floods in South Asia are still causing havoc. imperfect world 2007 takes aerial photographs of the area around the Dhaka airport, showing large areas still under flood water.

15. The Brays Bayou watershed is the target of the Harris County Flood Control District’s Project Brays, a $500 million effort to reduce the risk of flooding within the watershed

16. Additionally, macroscopic and microscopic observations of flooded trees indicated that acute injury occurred in the stem base and, under some conditions, the cortex in this region developed an aerenchyma induced by flooding.

17. Thousands of camels and snakes, drowned by flood waters, were swept out to sea, and massive Roman bridges, which withstood all floods since the fall of the Roman Empire, collapsed.

18. The floods caused a landslide.

19. The river flooded the valley.

20. Train lines were flooded out.

21. It all came flooding back.

22. The floods caved in that dike.

23. The floods surged along the valley.

24. During spring rains the river floods.

25. The cellar was flooded with water.

26. The floods left many people destitute .

27. The flooded river was subsiding rapidly.

28. · Strengthening Flood Management Capacity – To strengthen Bihar’s capacity for overall flood forecasting and the management of flood-erosion.

29. 27 The results showed that,( anomalously small(weak) SOI and the lag effect of El Nino are good indications to the short-term climate prediction of Xiangtan flooding in flood period.

30. The cataclysm flooded the entire valley.

31. The flooded river carried trees along.

32. 1896-1897 - Spring - very devastating flooding.

33. They will become a flooding torrent.

34. All her misgivings came flooding back.

35. Thousands of people were flooded out.

36. The river has flooded the meadows.

37. The floods left thousands of people destitute.

38. The river often floods during the thaw.

39. 1 The car was marooned by floods.

40. The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.

41. Sarge floods the mine, rendering it useless.

42. After the floods the harvests were subnormal.

43. Melting snow floods the valleys each spring.

44. Many people drowned in the great floods.

45. The river was swollen after the floods.

46. The town was isolated by the floods.

47. Our street floods whenever we have rain.

48. Their departure just before the floods providential.

49. This area is liable to flooding.

50. The farm and surrounding area was flooded.

51. Before the flood arrives, the river's flood plain is calm and dry.

52. The floods caused havoc throughout the area.

53. Their pitiless tide floods virtually every scene.

54. The meadowland was inundated by heavy floods.

55. She came home in floods of tears .

56. A dam burst and flooded their villages.

57. Many businesses were completely destroyed or flooded.

58. Will this flooded ground ever dry out?

59. They dammed the water to control flooding.

60. One sister’s home had a flooded basement.

61. The rooms were flooded with soft illumination.

62. Australia Experiences Worst Flooding In Decades

63. Flooding aft, sir, power out forward.

64. The spring thaw caused heavy flooding.

65. The storm surge caused widespread flooding.

66. The flooding made many streets impassable Sunday.

67. There is a grave risk of flooding.

68. Flood insurance is one of the important non engineering measures to control flood.

69. At this height, the Chester waterworks pumphouse floods

70. Death Toll in Chinese Floods Rises Above 1,000

71. The floods found a vent through the dikes.

72. The lake will be dyked to avert floods.

73. Their departure just before the floods was providential.

74. The vessel flooded and began to sink.

75. Roads were flooded or blocked by landslips.

76. Flash floods are common in Arroyos following thunderstorms.

77. During floods the creek becomes a braided channel.

78. Heavy rainfall in the mountains caused the floods.

79. They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.

80. Flooding stress: Acclimations and genetic diversity Flooding is an environmental stress for many natural and man-made ecosystems worldwide.